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Crafting the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Coffee, the magic potion that with just a few sips can transform your morning mood from “leave me alone” to “bring it on world”. For some, coffee is just a beverage on a menu, but for the true coffee lovers, it's a ritual, the necessary ingredient to jumpstart our brains and provide that moment of pause in our day. But, are you really making the most of your coffee experience? This blog will look into the various ways to brew that perfect cup of coffee.

The Classic Drip

With the capability to cater to the morning rush, the classic drip is the cornerstone of many households. It's consistent and straightforward, but still there is a “goldilocks zone” that can elevate your classic drip experience. It's all in the grind! If your grind is too fine, your sips will be a tad bitter. And if your grind is too coarse, you can send out a search party to look for the soul of your brew. Medium grind is where it's at. Combine it with the perfect water temperature of between 90 to 96 degrees celsius and you have a flavourful party in a cup.

The French Press Method

This method allows your coffee to steep directly in the hot water, creating a robust and full-bodied coffee. But this is no instant coffee! Just like the classic drip, it's also about the grind. Here, a coarser grind will do the trick but you will need patience too. Wait around 4 minutes for your coffee to steep before pressing down. And remember to plunge slowly! The French are all about finesse, even in their coffee methods.

Pour-Over Perfection

If you love precision and mindfulness, then this brewing ritual is tailored for you. So long as you have patience, a steady hand and a medium-fine grind, you will end up with a cup of coffee that sings with a flavour profile of complexity and clarity. Make sure that you have perfect control over the water flow and temperature to develop the depth and brightness your coffee grinds were made for.

The Aeropress Adventure

If you're a person who will give anything a try (even if it's only once), then the Aeropress is the tool for your coffee adventure. With this method you can drink anything from espressos to subtle blends. Play around with brewing times and pressure to create your own coffee variety. 

Materful Moka

If you love stovetop brewing rituals, then there must be a Moka pot in your cupboard. This method will produce intense and rich flavours which closely taste like espresso, but still has its own distinct character. To avoid a burnt taste (which can happen very easily) you will need to keep a close eye on the heat and timing. Make sure that you use a fine grind and you will soon find yourself sipping on a potent brew. 

Getting Your Coffee Source

It doesn't matter if you use beans for your pour-over or grounds for your Moka pot, if your coffee source is not of good quality, you will still end up with a “meh” cup of coffee. You might have to experiment with a few sources and figure out what type of beans you like. Some roasts have a chocolatey profile, while others have a fruitiness to them. But quality matters! Get in touch with Contact coffee co for some high-quality options on different types of beans and start finding out which profile is your perfect fit.


Coffee brewing is an artform of multiple possibilities, textures and flavours. You don’t even have to stick to one technique, try them all! Use one for a busy week and another for a slow weekend. Pull out your Moka pot to impress your inlaws and become best friends with coffee devices. The best cup of coffee is one that fits your current mood and moment perfectly, so make sure to savour every sip.