REVIEW : Bottled Bartender Cocktails

You’re yearning for a cold cocktail but after glancing at your dwindling cocktail shelf, there is not enough of anything that would constitute a cocktail. The cocktail cupboard is bare.

You have three options

  1. Head out to a local cocktail bar and purchase a cocktail but cocktails in bars are expensive and it means that you have to change out of your PJ’s.

  2. Get online and order all the cocktails ingredients from your local supermarket but your bank account just ain’t going to handle that much outgoing cash.

  3. Wait on the door bell ringing imminently as you had the foresight of ordering your online premium bottle cocktails yesterday from The Bottled Bartender!


The Bottled Bartender are based in Bristol and were born out of the need of wanting a great cocktail but without having to purchase all the ingredients. Nick Lewis, is the man with the plan (founder) and Bottled Bartenders Operations Director.

They offer an impressive range and believe me, you’ll think there was a world class mixologist in your kitchen. You can select the cocktails according to your favoured tipple - gin, vodka, rum, tequila and whiskey bourbon or if you know what cocktail tickles your tastebuds, then head straight for it and pop it in your basket.

They also come in packs if you are having a hard time deciding which cocktails to choose.

For me the Espresso Martini and the Mojito came out trumps. This vodka based Espresso Martini is rich, indulgent and creamy which considering that it was bottled and shipped within 24 hours, is credit to the named bartender on the label.

The Mojito was another favourite. It was pure tang, with a side of sour but ever so refreshing. I loved this one.

The Mai Tai was my least favourite which I found unusual as I am a fan of Rum based cocktails; this was overly sweet for me but it was mixed well with a nice balance of flavours. The Lychee Martini is exceptionally strong and the dry gin really giving you a bitterness on the back note.

These cocktails are all about you and what you like; you pick and choose. You can also order bespoke cocktails but there is a minimum order for these.

The packaging is great. The box arrives with an ice pack to keep your drinks chilled but also doubles up as a ice bucket by removing the internal packaging segments and folding the plastic bag over the sides of the box (instructions are given). The bottles are glass and I presume all the packaging is recyclable individually.

I’ve tried a fair few Cocktails at Home/Home delivery cocktails and I have to say that these are some of the best in the UK. Their ordering service is easy and simple to follow and within 24-48 hours, depending on where you live in the UK, your professionally made cocktails arrive at your door.

The flavours aren’t artificial, they’re not syrupy and sickly sweet and they don’t leave that horrible sugary coating in your mouth. The Bottled Bartender has nailed the flavour and texture profiles of these cocktails delivering a very premium product to enjoy at home.

The Bottled Bartender